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Links to Resources

We hope you find this information practical and useful, and invite you to make a contribution to support our work with a donation of any size.

This is why we do what we do.


Our new friend Jon sent us this note after taking the time to watch an early video (2011) by Dr. Doug Tallamy about the importance of native plants. Thank you very much, Jon, for writing the note and allowing us to share it! 

"Thanks for alerting me to the Doug Tallamy video. Prior to seeing it I never understood so many people's focus on and advocacy for native plants. I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't know about native plants' (versus non-natives) critical functions in our ecosystem and why they are so absolutely essential. I'm surprised that the information in this short video (let alone so much more) isn't more fully known by more people. Because this video is so clear, I think it could strike others as it struck me. Thanks for the education!"

These two articles are required reading for anyone who cares about pollinators.

Search the internet for additional information about this critical and world-changing decline of almost all insects, and the birds and wildlife that depend on them.



Printed lists of many of the Resources provided below can be accessed here:


"Pollination services are an 'agricultural input' that ensure the production of crops. All farmers, especially family farmers and smallholders around the world, benefit from these services. Improving pollinator density and diversity has a direct positive impact on crop yields, consequently promoting food and nutrition security."


- José Graziano da Silva


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 

What is pollination, and why do we care?  This little booklet from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden, answers these questions and more.


The Xerces Society  is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat.  With plant lists for different areas of the country and great publications, this organization is a premier resource about all things pollinator.  
Some of their books we like:

"Attracting Native Pollinators"
"Gardening for Butterflies" 

"100 Plants to Feed the Bees"


Every garden helps our pollinators! Here's an easy way to Create a Pollinator Garden.


We invite you to visit Our Gardens, either in person or virtually!


On the next tab, you will find a selection of nurseries and sources of information about pollinators and pollinator plants in and for the Rogue Valley (let us know others to include!).

This is why we do what we do. Our new friend Jon sent us this note after taking the time to watch an early video (2011) by Dr. Doug Tallamy about the importance of native plants. Thank you very much, Jon, for writing the note and allowing us to share it! "Thanks for alerting me to the Doug Tallamy video. Prior to seeing it I never understood so many people's focus on and advocacy for native plants. I'm almost embarrassed that I didn't know about native plants' (versus non-natives) critical functions in our ecosystem and why they are so absolutely essential. I'm surprised that the information in this short video (let alone so much more) isn't more fully known by more people. Because this video is so clear, I think it could strike others as it struck me. Thanks for the education!"
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The Pollination Place
312 N. Main, Suite B

Phoenix, OR  97535


12:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Tuesday to Friday (or by appointment)



© 2024 Pollinator Project Rogue Valley

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