Earth Day
All Month Long!
We are partnering with Earth Day Oregon and three awesome local businesses!
Earth Day Oregon unites nonprofits, businesses, and community members statewide to create a groundswell of support for the local organizations leading us to a sustainable future.
Thank you, Long Walk Vineyard, Plant Oregon, and Wild Seed Media for your support, and for creating sustainable and successful businesses that make the world a better place
for people and pollinators!
Thank you Earth Day Oregon business partner, Long Walk Vineyard! We love their business model, their stunning vineyard, and excellent wines! Easily accessible on the north side of Ashland!
Thank you, Kathy and Tim, for supporting PPRV with a percentage of all Wine Club memberships purchased in April! Learn more here!

Thank you Earth Day Oregon partner Plant Oregon!
We love their business model, their nursery in Talent, and their plants!
Thank you, Dan, Dave, and Jenny, for supporting PPRV with so many donations of beautiful native plants for our From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden program! We couldn't do what we do without you!
Plant Oregon has been and continues to be an amazing partner to PPRV! We appreciate you and all you do for PPRV and our community!

Thank you Earth Day Oregon partner Wild Seed Media!
We love working with them as they develop their own business to support and grow businesses and nonprofits!
Thank you, Jen, for bringing your creativity and enthusiasm to our team! We couldn't do what we do without you!