This forum combines science and policy for protecting pollinators to ensure their survival – and ours.
What one thing can we do to improve the health of our pollinators and our ecosystems here in Southern Oregon?
How can homeowners, property managers, landscapers, nurseries, and
municipalities better protect our pollinators?
What are neonicotinoids and how are they affecting our pollinators - and us?
Please join us for this day of insight and education, and engage with experts from
The Xerces Society, Center for Biological Diversity, Pesticide Research Institute,
Trout Unlimited, and others to find out the answers to these questions - and more!
We expect tickets to sell quickly, so register now to bee part of this unique opportunity.
Follow the Protecting Pollinators forum on Facebook!
Download the flyer here.
Download the Speaker Schedule here.
Tickets: $10 advance, $15 at door
$5 discount for Master Gardeners
Farm-fresh lunch selections: $12
prepared by Fry Family Farm (optional)
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Join us at 8:30 am to network and enjoy
coffee and snacks!
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
OSU Extension Auditorium
569 Hanley Rd
Central Point, OR
More information
OSU: 541-776-7371 or
Beyond Toxics: 541-465-8860
Sponsored by
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, the Ashland Food Co-op, OSU Extension,
and Beyond Toxics